2019 publications
- Lewis, S.P., Heath, N.L., Hasking, P.A., Whitlock, J.L., Wilson, M.S., & Plener, P.L. (in press). Advocacy for improved response to self-injury in schools: A call to action for school psychologists. Psychological Services.
- DiFranzo, D., Hyung Choi, Y., Purington, A., Taft, J. Whitlock, J. & Bazarova, N. (2019). Social Media TestDrive: Real-World Social Media Education for the Next Generation. In CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems Proceedings (CHI 2019), May 4–9, 2019, Glasgow, Scotland UK. ACM, NewYork, NY, USA, 11 pages. https://doi.org/10.1145/3290605.3300533
- Whitlock, J. & Lloyd-Richardson, E. (2019). Healing self-injury: A compassionate guide for parents and other loved ones University Trade Press. New York, New York.
- Lewis, S.P., Heath, N.L., Hasking, P.A., Whitlock, J.L., Wilson, M.S., & Plener, P.L. (2019). Addressing self-injury on college campuses: Institutional recommendations. Journal of College Counselling.
- Kruzan, K. & Whitlock, J. (2019). Prevention of Non-Suicidal Self-Injury. Non-suicidal Self-Injury: Advances in Research and Practice. edited by J. Washburn. Routledge Press.
2018 publications
- Waals, L., Baetens, I., Rober, P., Lewis, S., Van Parys, H., Goethals, E.R., & Whitlock, J. (2018). The NSSI family distress cascade theory. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 12(52). doi: 0.1186/s13034-018-0259-7
- Whitlock, J. L., Baetens, I., Lloyd-Richardson, E., Hasking, P., Hamza, C., Lewis, S., … & Robinson, K. (2018). Helping schools support caregivers of youth who self-injure: Considerations and recommendations. School Psychology International, 0143034318771415.
- Kazerooni, F., Taylor, S. H., Bazarova, N. N., & Whitlock, J. (2018). Cyberbullying Bystander Intervention: The Number of Offenders and Retweeting Predict Likelihood of Helping a Cyberbullying Victim. Journal of Computer- Mediated Communication, 23(3), 146-162.
- Chang, P. F., Whitlock, J., & Bazarova, N. N. (2018). “To Respond or not to Respond, that is the Question”: The Decision-Making Process of Providing Social Support to Distressed Posters on Facebook. Social Media+ Society, 4(1), 2056305118759290.
2017 publications
- Whitlock, J. & Hasking, P. (2017). Hurting from the inside out: Understanding self-injury. Educational Leadership, 75(4), 24-30.
- Kiekens, G., Hasking, P., Bruffaerts, R., Claes, L., Baetens, I., Boyes, M., & Whitlock, J. (2017). What predicts ongoing non-suicidal self-injury? A comparison between persistent and ceased self-injury in emerging adults. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 205(10), 762-770.
- Whitlock, J, Lloyd-Richardson, E., Fisseha, F., Bates, T. (2017).Parental secondary stress: The often hidden but important underbelly of non-suicidal self-injury in youth. Journal of Clinical Psychology.
- Bazarova, N. N., Choi, Y. H., Whitlock, J., Cosley, D., & Sosik, V. (2017). Psychological distress and emotional expression on Facebook. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, and Social Networking, 20(3), 157-163.
2015 - 2016 publications
- Hasking, P., Whitlock, J., Voon, D., & Rose, A. (2016). A cognitive-emotional model of NSSI: using emotion regulation and cognitive processes to explain why people self-injure. Cognition and Emotion, 1-14.
- Kelada, L., Hasking, P., Melvin, G., Whitlock, J., & Baetens, I. (2016). “I Do Want to Stop, At Least I Think I Do” An International Comparison of Recovery From Nonsuicidal Self-Injury Among Young People. Journal of Adolescent Research, 0743558416684954.
- Hasking, P.A., Heath, N.L., Kaess, M., Lewis, S.P., Plener, P.L., Walsh, B.W., Whitlock, J., & Wilson, M.S. (2016). Position paper for guiding response to non-suicidal self-injury in schools. School Psychology International, 37(6): 644-633.
- Bazarova, N. N., Choi, Y. H., Sosik, V., Cosley, D., & Whitlock, J. (2015). Social sharing of emotions on Facebook: Channel differences, satisfaction, and replies. Proceedings of the 18th ACM Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work & Social Computing: 154-164, March 14-18, Vancouver, Canada.
- Kress, Victoria E, Newgent, Rebecca A, Whitlock, Janis,Mease, Laura. (2015). Spirituality/Religiosity, life satisfaction, and life meaning as protective factors for nonsuicidal self-injury in college students. Journal of College Counseling,18(2), 160.
- Lloyd-Richardson, E., Lewis, S.P., Whitlock, J.,Rodham, K. & Schatten, H. Research with adolescents at risk for non-suicidal self-injury: Ethical considerations and challenges Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 9(37).
- Orlando, C., Broman-Fulks, J.J., Whitlock, J., Curtin, L., Michael, K.D., (2015). Non-suicidal self-injury and suicidal self-injury: A Taxometric Investigation. Behavior Therapy, 46(6): 824-833.
- Paul E., Tsypes A., Ernhout C., Eidlitz L., & Whitlock J. (2015). Associations of non-suicidal self-injury characteristics and suicidal thoughts and behaviors. Psychiatry Research, 225(3)
- Whitlock, J.L, Prussein, K., & Pietrusza, C. (2015). Predictors of non-suicidal self-injury and psychological growth. Child and Adolescent Psychiatry and Mental Health, 9(19). DOI 10.1186/s13034-015-0048-5
2014 and earlier publications
- Whitlock, J.L., Wyman, P., & Moore, S. (2014). Connectedness and suicide prevention in adolescence: Pathways and implications. Suicide and Life Threatening Behavior 44 (3), 247-272.
- Eisenberg, D., Golberstein, E., Whitlock, J. (2014). Peer effects on risky behaviors: New evidence from college roommate assignments. Journal of Health Economics, 33 :126-138.
- Whitlock, J.L. & Selekman, M. (2014). Non-suicidal self-injury (NSSI) across the lifespan. In M. Nock (Ed.), Oxford Handbook of Suicide and Self-Injury. Oxford Library of Psychology: Oxford University Press.
- Whitlock, J.L., Exner-Cortens, D. & Purington, A. (2014). Assessment of Nonsuicidal Self-Injury: Development and Initial Validation of the Non-Suicidal Self-Injury—Assessment Tool. Psychological Assessment, 26 (3), 935-946.
- Whitlock, J. & Rodham, K. (2013). Understanding non-suicidal self-injury in youth. School Psychology Forum, 7 (4): 93-110.
- Eisenberg, D., Golberstein, E., Whitlock, J., & Downs, M. (2013). Social contagion of mental health: Evidence from college roommates. Health Economics 22, 965–986.
- Muehlenkamp, J., Brausch, A., Quigley, B., & Whitlock, J. (2013). Interpersonal features and functions of NSSI. Suicide & Life Threatening Behavior, 43 (1), 67-80.
- Whitlock, J., Muehlenkamp, J., Eckenrode, J., Purington, A., Barrera, P., Baral-Abrams, G., Kress, V., Grace Martin, K., & Smith, E. (2013). Non-suicidal self-injury as a gateway to suicide in adolescents and young adults. Journal of Adolescent Health, 52 (4), 486-492.
- Whitlock, J. Pietrusza, C. & Purington, A. (2013). Young adult respondent experiences of disclosing self-injury, suicide-related behavior, and psychological distress in a web-based survey. Archives of Suicide Research 17 (1), 20-32.
- Duggan, J.M., & Whitlock, J. (2012). An Investigation of Online Behaviors: Self-Injury In Cyber Space. Encyclopedia of Cyber Behavior. IGI Global.
- Brofenbrenner Center for Translational Research. (2012). Connectedness and suicide prevention in college settings: Directions and implications for practice. Ithaca, NY: J. Whitlock, P.A. Wyman, & P. Barreira.
- Morgan, R., Whitlock, J., & Purington, A. (2012, June). Development of a six stage recovery model for non-suicidal self-injury. Poster session presented at the 7th annual meeting of the International Society for the Study of Self-Injury (ISSS), Chapel Hill, NC.
- Whitlock, J., Muehlenkamp, J., Purington, A., Eckenrode, J., Barreira, J., Abrams, G. B., Marchell, T., Kress, K., Girard, K., Chin, C., & Knox, K. (2011). Non-suicidal self-Injury in a college population: General trends and sex differences. Journal of American College Health, 59 (8), 691-698.
- Hanly, A., Pietrusza, C., Gluck, M., & Whitlock, J. (2011, June). The ethics of self-report surveys assessing non-suicidal self-injury and other sensitive topics. Poster session presented at the 6th annual meeting of the International Society for the Study of Self-Injury (ISSS), New York, NY.
- Pietrusza, C., Rothenberg, P., & Whitlock, J. (2011, June). Reaching out: The role of disclosure and support in non-suicidal self-injury cessation. Poster session presented at the 6th annual meeting of the International Society for the Study of Self-Injury (ISSS), New York, NY.
- Whitlock, J., & Purington, A. (2011, June). Parent experiences of child self-injury: Key processes and events. Paper presented at the 6th annual meeting of the International Society for the Study of Self-Injury (ISSS), New York, NY.
- Whitlock, J., & Purington, A. (2011, June). Validity and relability of the Non-Suicidal Self-Injury Assessment Tool (NSSI-AT): Why use the NSSI-AT? Poster session presented at the 6th annual meeting of the International Society for the Study of Self-Injury (ISSS), New York, NY.
- Whitlock, J.L. (2010). [Review of the book Adolescent girls in crisis: Intervention and hope, by Martha B. Straus]. Journal of the American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, 4 (9), 966-967.
- Purington, A. & Whitlock, J. (2010). Non-suicidal self-injury and the Internet: Implications for prevention. The Prevention Researcher, 17 (1), 11-13.
- Bubrick, K., Goodman, J., & Whitlock, J. (2010, June). Developing and implementing a school protocol for non-suicidal self-injury. Poster session presented at the 5th annual meeting of the International Society for the Study of Self-Injury (ISSS), Chicago, IL.
- Pietrusza, C., Shea, S., & Whitlock, J. (2010, June). Recovering from non-suicidal self-injury: The role of therapy in the recovery process. Poster session presented at the 5th annual meeting of the International Society for the Study of Self-Injury (ISSS), Chicago, IL.
- Whitlock, J.L. (2010). Self-injurious behavior in adolescents. Public Library of Science 7 (5): e1000240.
- Whitlock, J., Eells, G., Cummings, N. & Purington A. (2009). Nonsuicidal self-injury in college populations: Mental health provider assessment of prevalence and need. Journal of College Student Psychotherapy, 23 (3), 172-183.
- McNeely, C., Whitlock, J., Libby, H. (2009). School connectedness and adolescent well-being. In S.L. Christenson & A.L. Reschly (Eds.), Handbook on School-Family Partnerships for Promoting Student Competence. New York: Taylor & Francis.
- Whitlock, J. (2009, December). The cutting edge: Non-suicidal self-injury in adolescence. Research fACTs and Findings. Ithaca, NY: ACT for Youth Center of Excellence.
- Purington, A., Whitlock, J., & Pochtar, R. (2009). Non-suicidal self-injury in secondary schools: A descriptive study of prevalence, characteristics, and interventions. Unpublished manuscript, Cornell Research Program on Self-Injury and Recovery, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY.
- Whitlock, J.L., Purington, A., Gershkovich, M. (2009). Influence of the media on self injurious behavior. In Understanding non-suicidal self-injury: Current science and practice, edited by M. Nock. American Psychological Association Press. 139-156.
- Whitlock, J.L., Muehlenkamp, J., Eckenrode, J. (2008). Variation in nonsuicidal self-injury: Identification and features of latent classes in a college population of emerging adults. Journal of Clinical Child and Adolescent Psychology, 37 (4), 725-735.
- Whitlock, J.L. & Knox, K. (2008). Community sources and solutions: Detection and prevention of self-injurious behavior in youth populations. In Self-injury in youth: The essential guide to assessment and intervention edited by N. Heath and M. K. Nixon. Routledge Press. Pgs. 173-194.
- Whitlock, J.L., Lader, W., Conterio, K. (2007). The Internet and self-injury: What psychotherapists should know. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 63 (11), 1135-1143.
- Whitlock, J.L. & Knox, K. (2007). The relationship between suicide and self-injury in a young adult population. Archives of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, 161 (7), 634-640.
- Whitlock, J.L., Eckenrode, J.E. & Silverman, D. (2006). Self-injurious behavior in a college population. Pediatrics, 117 (6), 1939-1948.
- Whitlock, J.L., Powers, J.P., Eckenrode, J.E. (2006). The virtual cutting edge: Adolescent self-injury and the Internet. Developmental Psychology, 42 (3), 407-417.